Small penis, short penis, narrow penis, little penis
For men with a small penis or even in men with a normal penis size who want a bigger penis, improving the quality of life, partnership and sex life. The welcomed and desired effect is to eliminate the feeling of insecurity and inferiority that many men feel about the size of their penis.
Persons younger than 18 years, men with psychiatric disorders, men with allergy to hyaluronic acid. Tumors, inflamatory disorders and inborn deformities of penis and lower urinary tract are contraindications for penile augmentation procedure.
If you are using medicaments, please inform us 7 days before. You have to modify or discontinue medical treatment with influence to blood coagulation 7 days before procedure after consultation with your physician. Please shave your genital area one day before procedure. We use local anesthetic emulsion for painfree procedure.
Following pre procedure we recommend abstaining from sexual activities for 7 days. No other limitations are necessary.
See the gallery to the procedure
In the gallery, you will find photos before and after the procedure, illustrations and other pictures.